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Anastasia Beverly Hills Taille-crayon  Sharpener

5 (1)
1 stuk
€ 8,00
En ligne: En stock
Frais de livraison offerts dès € 25,00
Réf. art.335061
Convient pourcrayon
Type de produittaille-crayon
Anastasia Beverly Hills Sharpener is a three-in-one sharpener with two stainless steel, rust-proof blades. The smaller opening precisely sharpens Perfect Brow Pencil while the larger opening sharpens Brow Primer, Highlighting Duo Pencil and Pro Pencil. Use to create a sharp tip on lip, eye and brow pencils for expert precision and peak performance
Informations sur le fournisseur


Avenue Leonard de Vinci

1300 WAVRE


1 stuk